Diesslin Structures Inc. has a unique cross section of project expérience which relates very well to LEED/Green/sustainable construction. We have positioned ourselves to be local leaders on “Green” construction. We have completed Chaffee County’s first LEED registered school project, and have several LEED accredited team members on our staff. We have built both certified “Built Green” and Energy Star custom residences, and have worked for many school districts on projects ranging from $25,000 to $8,000,000.
Diesslin Structures, Inc. welcomes the projects that set high performance, energy saving goals in design to achieve building certifications.
We constructed the Salida Early Childhood Center to achieve LEED Certification, and have constructed “Energy Star” rated homes as well as certified “Built Green” homes. We helped the City of Salida and Chaffee County receive a Governor’s Energy Office Grant by substantially reducing the energy consumed in their new 45,000 SF Community Services Complex – formerly the old hospital.
We are proactive in training our management staff. We have attended the Building Green Schools conference sponsored by the USGBC. Ted Hughes, the director of the Best Grant program, was one of the many very impressive speakers.
Diesslin Structures, Inc. has made High Performance Construction a priority; We strive to be a leader in our community and to set an example for implementation of LEED/Green/sustainable practices.